
Baggage Scanner Machine

Motwane's range of X- Ray Baggage Scanners offers state-of-the-art technology for efficient and reliable security screening. With advanced imaging capabilities and customizable features, our scanners provide accurate detection of prohibited items, ensuring the safety of passengers and facilities. Motwane's X- Ray Baggage Scanners are designed to streamline the security process without compromising on safety or image quality.

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    Protect your Investment

    Motwane’s Service Professionals are trained to support you during technical breakdowns, and provide the necessary assistance for challenges stemming from local usage conditions or product wear and tear. In addition, Motwane offers specialized maintenance contracts for a variety of client requirements, keeping individual operating conditions, location, usage patterns, and the installed base size in mind.

    Trained by our in-house Customer Excellence Department, Motwane’s teams of engineers is locally available to reduce travel time. As a result, our pan India presence ensures that your site is always serviced with the fastest possible turnaround-time, and the latest technical expertise to maintain maximum uptime.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is an X-ray baggage scanner?


    An X-ray baggage scanner is a machine used in airports, train stations, and other high-security areas to analyze the contents of baggage or packages. It uses X-rays to create an image of the items inside a bag, allowing security personnel to identify any potentially dangerous items.

    How does an X-ray baggage scanner machine work?


    An X-ray baggage scanner machine works by directing a very narrow beam of X-ray energy into the object and then capturing the radiation that comes out on the other side. The amount of energy that makes it through the object depends on the type and thickness of the material. This information is processed and converted into an image that can be interpreted by trained security personnel.

    Is it safe to pass electronic devices such as laptops and mobile phones through a Baggage scanner?


    Yes, it is safe to pass personal electronic devices like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones through a baggage scanner. The radiation levels used in these scanners are not high enough to damage electronic devices.

    Can X-ray scanners damage film or photographic material?


    No film and photographic material will not be damaged by X-Ray scanners used for baggage. These scanners use a low level of radiation, too low to cause any damage to film. Our scanners are even tested and certified as film safe.

    Are bag scanners safe for humans?


    Bag scanners are designed to be safe for nearby humans as they are shielded to prevent X-ray radiation from escaping. However, humans should not go through these scanners as the X-ray dosage is higher than what’s used in scanners designed for humans, such as body scanners.

    Can Baggage Scanner Machines see through all materials?


    While baggage scanner machines can see through most materials, they can’t see through everything. The denser the material, the harder it is for X-rays to penetrate. Lead is commonly used to shield from X-rays, for example, because it’s very effective at stopping them.

    How accurate are Motwane baggage scanners?


    The accuracy of a baggage scanner largely depends on the skill and training of the operator interpreting the images. Advanced baggage scanners like the ones offered by  Motwane can provide high-resolution images and use color to distinguish between materials of different densities, but it still requires a well-trained operator to correctly identify suspicious items.

    Can X-ray scanners detect drugs or other illicit substances?


    X-ray scanners (Xbis machines) can detect shapes and densities that could suggest the presence of drugs or other illicit substances. However, they can’t specifically identify the chemical composition of substances. Other technologies, like trace detectors and drug-sniffing dogs, are often used in combination with xbis machines for more accurate detection.

    What happens if a suspicious item is detected in my luggage?


    If a suspicious item is detected in your luggage, security personnel will likely need to manually inspect your bag. This might involve opening your luggage and searching through it to find and assess the suspicious item.

    How long does it take for a bag to be scanned?


    The actual scanning process is quite quick, often just a few seconds. However, wait times can be longer depending on the volume of passengers and baggage.

    Can Motwane X-ray Baggage Scanners detect liquids?


    Yes, X-ray baggage scanners can detect liquids. The machines are designed to differentiate materials based on their density and atomic number, which is how they can distinguish between solids, liquids, and gases.

    However, the scanners do not necessarily identify what type of liquid is present in a carry-on bag. For example, they may not be able to differentiate between a bottle of water and a bottle of a potentially dangerous liquid based solely on the X-ray scan. This is why many airports have restrictions on the amount of liquid that can be taken through security in carry-on luggage.